
Fascinating Video Essays

Posts tagged showyourwork

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From the cutting room floor…

I’ve been working on a new video essay which is almost done.  As usual, once a rough cut is done I end up reshaping and cutting shots and even whole sequences. 

I’m still spending as much time as I can refining my process. One of the things I have realised just recently is that I have been mixing the creation and analysis stages of making a video essay together, which is a big no-no.

So I’ll often begin analysing a story design before I’ve even made a draft of it, and I’ll try and create and analyse on the same day. Your brain can’t switch from one to the other so easily, so now I’m updating my process to make sure church and state remain separated. 

Here are a couple of shots which I dropped on Monday, after realising they weren’t essential to the story. 

Filed under showyourwork editing Adam Westbrook storytelling cutting room floor video essay history delve