
Fascinating Video Essays

Posts tagged love

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I’m very happy to share a brand new video essay that I have been working on in collaboration with Fusion

It’s a short history of love, from ancient Greece to the modern rom-com and asks if it’s time to invent a new kind of love for the 21st century. 

It’s packed with some bizarre stories about how people thought of love in the past, including the french sexist who invented romance, and the book that sparked the first ever case of copycat suicides.

Do you believe in soul mates?

Filed under Adam Westbrook Fusion What Are These Things Called Love Romance History of love love soul mate the one

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A Little History of the World No.15

So far history has mostly been focused around the Mediterranean Sea. But civilisations were thriving all over the world. To the east, in what we now call India and China great cities were built. These societies had great thinkers too and around this time their ideas about love life and the universe began to spread. You’ll recognise their names: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

(P.S. yet, the little histories are back! There’ll be at least one a week over the summer - more at

Filed under life confucianism love mediterranean ancienthistory universe india civilisations delvetv buddhism china alittlehistoryoftheworld confucious buddha taoism history