
A Little History of the World No. 17 

We all know the name Alexander the Great and there’a a reason for it. In just 10 years he took over much of the known world from Egypt to India. He was violent, sure, but he could also be lenient and pardoned many who fought against him. In the end he wore his own army out and after 10 years of conquest his soldiers just wanted to go home. It was on the march back to Macedonia that Alexander died: he fell ill after a night of heavy drinking…well he was only 32.


A Little History of the World No.15 

So far history has mostly been focused around the Mediterranean Sea. But civilisations were thriving all over the world. To the east, in what we now call India and China great cities were built. These societies had great thinkers too and around this time their ideas about love life and the universe began to spread. You’ll recognise their names: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

(P.S. yet, the little histories are back! There’ll be at least one a week over the summer - more at