
A Little History of the World No.9 

On the Mediterranean Coast in modern day #lebanon a society of great merchants and traders grew. In their legendary Phoenician ships they sailed all around the Mediterranean buying and selling goods. They also gave us something we still use today..any guesses?


It’s the start of a brand new series!

Inspired by the classic book ‘A Little History of the World’ by E.H. Gombrich, we are taking you on a tour of world history over the last 5500 years. Every day throughout April a new chapter will be posted.

When did history start?

We start by asking when did history start? Did you know that the dinosaurs are not part of history and neither are cavemen. In fact, history didn’t start until around 3150 BCE when humans started thinking differently about their existence…


We’re beginning pre-production on an exciting new project on our Instagram channel.

The entire history of civilisation, in 15-second chapters. Yep, you heard right! It’s a chance to fill in the gaps in your historical knowledge, and a tribute to a wonderful history book from the 1930s. 

Fingers crossed the first one will be up in April. Make sure you’re following us over at Instagram!